
This Egyptian weapon has approximately six inches of handle and quillons. The blade extends straight out about eighteen inches from the handle, then curves into a slight sickle shape for another two feet. In effect, this only adds another eighteen inches to the overall length. The entire sword is usually made of bronze or iron.

"The khopesh is a slow sword, heavy and unwieldy. Its damage is unremarkable as compared to other swords, especially when one realizes the drawbacks that must be suffered when wielding the khopesh. All in all, it is a primitive weapon of a culture that has not grasped the finer techniques in sword-smithing.

"Still, the weapon resembles a sickle in some ways and is usable by druids. This gives these nature priests a chance to wield a sword, yet stay within their weapon restrictions.''

-- Eibhelin Hathleah, Warrior/Priestess

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