Divine Retributions

It could be that the priest will betray more than the god's usual dictates. The priest might turn on the god, betraying him utterly. This can happen when another deity, an enemy god, persuades the priest to serve him instead, and persuades the priest to steal some important artifact from the god or reveal some critical information about the god.

When this happens, the god will punish the priest (assuming he survives the betrayal, which most gods will).

The minimum punishment the priest can expect is the character class change described above.

A medium punishment the god will bestow is instant death.

A greater punishment from the god involves the ruin of the character. The god can kill or merely take away the character's family and loved ones, curse him with afflictions such as blindness and lameness, see to it that all his enemies find out about his weaknesses, give extra power and weapons to his enemies, force the priest's loved ones to betray him, and so on. This doesn't happen all at once, but every episode for the rest of the character's life introduces some new, horrible calamity until the character is mercifully killed or kills himself. In any case, the character is no longer a viable one to play and the player should dispose of him as quickly as possible.

At the ultimate level, the god performs the greater punishment above, and then tortures the character's spirit forever in the afterlife.

Note that this punishment isn't just for priests. If a non-priest betrays the god in the same fashion, the god will visit the same sort of punishment on the character.

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