More Than One Style

Only a Fighting-Monk can specialize in more than one unarmed combat style. A Fighting-Monk can only specialize in one of the three unarmed combat styles when he is first created. After first level, however, he may specialize in the other two.

As described in the writeup of the Fighting-Monk kit, the character can save some of his Weapon Proficiencies.

For example, at first level, he could specialize in Martial Arts, then spend another slot at second level to specialize in Wrestling, then another at third level to specialize in Punching.

However, if he first specializes in Punching or Wrestling, he cannot specialize in Martial Arts at the next experience level. He can only spend one slot per experience level, meaning that he'll first gain proficiency with Martial Arts at one level, then specialize at the next level.

Usually, the character, if he wants to specialize in more than one style, will take either Martial Arts or Punching, not both, and then take Wrestling. Martial Arts and Punching overlap one another somewhat, but Wrestling is useful when the character is being held.

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