Aspects of Faith

   Rangers manifest their faith in a number of ways:

Inner Peace

   A ranger's devotion gives him a sense of purpose, a feeling that his life has a purpose. Even though his role may seem at times to be minor, he feels that he has a definite place in the scheme of things.

Code of Behavior

   A ranger's beliefs give structure to his life by providing a set of principles for him to follow. Being of good alignment, rangers tend to adopt beliefs that encourage honesty, compassion, and selflessness.

Access to Spells

   In practical terms, the access to spells enjoyed by the high level ranger is one of the most immediate and visible results of a life of service. Much like a druid, the ranger receives his spells as a consequence of his beliefs. Though prayer or meditation, the ranger asks for the spells he wishes to memorize, and in most cases, his requests are granted.

   Unlike the druid and other priests, the ranger's access to spells is limited. A priest, after all, devotes much energy to the service of his faith, while a ranger's other activities and duties place great demands on his time. For this reason, the ranger is able to acquire spells only when he reaches 8th level, and then has only minor access to the plant and animal spheres. The ranger can fill his spell slots with any spells of the appropriate level listed for those spheres. Some kits may have expanded or restricted spell use.

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