Mounted Charge

One of the most spectacular battle maneuvers is a cavalry charge. There are no special considerations or formations necessary for a mounted charge; a single knight on horseback can use this tactic.

The mounted charge against foot troops gives the charging character a +2 bonus on his attack for charging and a +1 bonus for being mounted. If he’s armed with a lance, he inflicts double damage if he hits. In addition, the lance’s superior range may allow him to strike before the defender has a chance to attack.

The charging character can also use his mount to move through enemy figures, possibly knocking them down or trampling them. A line of armored knights can literally ride down infantrymen, although they’ll provoke attacks of opportunity once they get into the press. Still, the initial shock of such a charge can decimate most infantry formations.

A great defense against the mounted charge is missile fire at the mounts. Usually, the horses are easier to hit than the riders. Any time a mount is injured, the rider must make a riding check (or roll a successful saving throw vs. paralyzation) to keep control of the animal. The riders of any animals following the injured mount must also make riding checks or be stopped by the downed animal.

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