Lines of Fire

This is related to encounter range, since terrain types that limit visibility also restrict missile fire. A battlefield’s lines of fire are described as clear, impaired, or severely impaired. Clear lines of fire are easy: the battlefield has no effects on missile fire.

Impaired lines of fire have no effect on missile fire within the terrain’s minimum encounter distance; for example, light forest has an encounter range of 4d6 squares, so the first 4 squares of any missile fire are unaffected. After this minimum distance, targets are treated as if they had one step of hard cover more than they actually do; a target in the open actually has 25% cover, 25% covered targets are bumped up to 50%, and so on. This is because low branches or trees are obscuring the line of fire.

Severely impaired lines of fire have no effect on fire within the terrain’s minimum encounter range, similar to impaired lines of fire, above. In severely impaired lines of fire, the maximum range of any missile fire is reduced to three times the minimum encounter range, and all targets in this area gain two levels of cover.

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