Gallery Shed

A gallery shed is a low structure built to protect a ram, bore, or team of sappers (see the
Escalades section below). It has a peaked roof of heavy planks, it is supported by thick wooden walls, and it is usually wheeled and covered with wet hides to make it flame resistant. Gallery sheds are usually 15 to 60 feet long and five to 20 feet wide. The shed protects as many map squares as it covers. For example, a 10- by 50-foot shed protects 20 squares. Creatures within are completely hidden from view and protected from missile and melee attacks lunched from outside the shed. Creatures within the shed, however, cannot attack except to operate their ram or bore to make sapping attacks.

If the shed has no wheels, it takes one Man-sized creature to carry it for each map square it covers. The 10- by 50-foot shed from the previous example would require 20 Man-sized creatures to carry it. Creatures carrying the shed move as though severely encumbered regardless of its weight. If the shed is wheeled, it can be pushed along as though the crew were heavily encumbered, but it cannot negotiate rough terrain or even moderate slopes.

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