Walk-On NPCs

There are several shortcut methods that can be used when role-playing NPCs who only have brief appearances--the "walk-ons'' and "cameos'' of a role-playing adventure.

Character Traits: The DM can choose some particular character trait--cowardice, greed, optimism, precision, or whatever--and exaggerate it, take it to an extreme. This is most effective for creating comical (or frustrating) situations.

Physical Traits: A particular physical trait--baldness, pot-bellied, bad teeth, wheezy, and more--can be stressed. This helps fix the appearance of the NPC in the players' minds, especially useful if the characters must describe or find the NPC again.

Habits: Like physical traits, simple habits--scratches his head, tugs on his beard, stares at the sky when talking, or mumbles--can be used. The DM can actually act out these simple habits at the table, adding a visual element to the role-playing experience.

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