Weapons Versus Characters

When a weapon possesses unusual characteristics, it has a personality, which is rated by combining its intelligence and ego scores. The weapon will, of course, be absolutely true to its alignment, and if the character who possesses the weapon is not, personality conflict--weapon versus character--will result.

Similarly, any weapon with an ego of 19 or higher will always consider itself superior to any character, and a personality conflict will result if the possessor does not always agree with the weapon.

The personality score of a character is:

Intelligence + Charisma + Experience Level

Note that the personality score is reduced by one for every group of hit points of damage taken equal to the character's average number of points per level. Divide the character's total hit points by his level (round up). For example: A fighter of 7th level has 53 hit points: 53 divided by 7 equals 7.6. Thus for every eight points of damage he suffers, his personality score will be lowered by one.

Whenever personality conflict occurs, the weapon will resist the character's desires and demand concessions such as:

1. Removal of associates, henchmen, hirelings, or creatures of alignment or

personality distasteful to the weapon.

2. The character divesting himself of all other magical weapons.

3. Obedience from the character so weapon can lead the expedition for its own


4. Immediate seeking out and slaying of creatures hateful to the weapon

5. Encrustation of pommel, hilt, scabbard, baldric, or belt with gems and a special

container made of precious substances for its safekeeping.

6. Magical protections and devices to protect it from molestation when not in use

7. That the character pay it handsomely for all abilities and powers the weapon is

called upon to exercise in behalf of its possessor

8. That the character carry it with him on all occasions

9. That the character relinquish the weapon in favor of a more suitable person due

to alignment differences or conduct

Any time the personality score of a weapon exceeds the personality score of the character who possesses it, the weapon will dominate its possessor, and it can force any or all of the above demands or actually cause any of the following actions:

1. Force its possessor into combat

2. Refuse to strike opponents

3. Strike at its wielder or his associates

4. Force its possessor to surrender to an opponent

5. Cause itself to drop from the character's grasp

Naturally, such actions are unlikely where the character-weapon alignment and purposes are harmonious. However, the weapon might well wish to have a lesser character possess it so as to easily command him, or a higher level possessor so as to better accomplish its goals.

All magical weapons with personalities will desire to play an important role in the success of activities, particularly combat. Such weapons are rivals of each other, even if of the same alignment. They will be aware of the presence of any similar weapon within 60 feet, and try their best to lead a possessor into missing or destroying the rival unless this is totally inimical to its nature--a holy avenger, for example, would certainly not allow destruction of any other lawful good weapon and might encourage their discovery, even at the risk of having to face grim odds to do so.

Weapons of this nature will never be totally controlled or silenced by the characters who possess them, even though they may be heavily outweighed by personality force. They may be powerless to force their demands, but they will be in there plugging. Even a humble +1 weapon of unusual nature can be a vocal martyr, denigrating its own abilities and asking only that the character give it the chance to shatter itself against some hated enemy, etc.

Note: Most players will be unwilling to play weapons with personalities as the personalities dictate. It is incumbent upon the DM to ensure that the role of the weapon is played to the hilt, so to speak, with the DM assuming the persons of the weapon if necessary.

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