Table 27:

Character Power Scores

Ability Score*
Power Score
14 or less

* Wizards and bards use Intelligence/Reason. Priests, paladins, and rangers use Wisdom/Intuition.

Locked Spells: When two spells lock, they remain in place until another spell enters the space and destroys the opposing spell. No spell can move through a space containing locked spells, even if it normally could ignore the opposing spell. Once the opposing spell is destroyed, all the blocked spells are free to move normally.

For example, the charm person and cure light wounds spells from the previous example are locked. There is no further combat between the two spells until a third spell moves into the space. The next spell to move is a magic missile that belongs to Rary. Magic missile is a type M spell that normally ignores type D spells, so it cannot destroy the cure light wounds spell and is blocked until the lock is cleared. The next spell to move is Serten’s dispel magic. Dispel magic is an AD spell that normally fights the type A spell charm person. If the dispel magic spell destroys the charm person spell, the lock is cleared. If not, the lock continues and spells are still blocked from advancing past the lock.

It is possible to have multiple locked spells in the same space. When this occurs, each spell that enters the space must check against all locked spells in the area. Once all opposing spells are defeated, the lock is cleared.

Combat Between Multiple Spells: If a spell enters a space containing more than one opposing spell, all the spells must be checked for combat.

If there is a lock in the space, the opposing spell that caused the lock is checked first. If the incoming spell cannot battle the locking spell, the incoming spell is blocked and no combat occurs between it and any other spell in the space until the lock is removed.

If there is no lock in the space, the opposing spell with the highest movement rate is checked for combat. If there is no combat or the incoming spell wins the combat, the spell with the next highest movement rate is checked. This process continues until the incoming spell is destroyed or all opposing spells have been checked. If a lock occurs during the process, all combat stops until the lock is cleared.

If there are multiple locks in the space, the incoming spell checks the opposing locked spell with the highest movement rate for combat. If the incoming spell cannot conduct combat with that spell, no combat occurs and all the locks remain in place. If the incoming spell defeats the first locking spell, it checks for combat with the next fastest locking spell and so on until all the opposing locks are checked or until the incoming spell is locked or defeated.

When all locks are removed from a space containing multiple opposing spells, there is no further combat until another spell enters the space. The spell entering the space checks the opposing spell with the highest movement rate and continues checking until all the opposing spells have been checked or the spell is locked or defeated.

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