Individual Experience Awards

Player characters also earn experience points for individual deeds, as determined by their class. Generally, each character earns points for doing actions appropriate to his group. Warriors earn additional experience points for defeating creatures. The more difficult the battle, the greater the number of experience points. Wizards earn points for using their spells for specific purposes. The wizard who walks into the woods and casts his spells for no reason doesn't gain experience points; the wizard who casts a lightning bolt at a beholder has used his spell for a purpose. He gains experience points. Wizards also earn experience points for researching new spells and creating magical items. Priests can earn experience points for researching new spells and creating magical items. Priests can earn experience points by spreading their beliefs and using their powers in service of their deity. Rogues, who tend to have a larcenous streak, earn experience points by using their special abilities and finding or earning gold.

A character can also earn experience for the player's actions, such as playing the game well. When a player does a good job creating and pretending to be his character, the DM may give the character experience points for good role-playing. If the player is really involved and takes a major part in the game, the DM can give the player's character extra experience points. If the player uses his head to come up with a really good idea, the DM can give the character experience points for his contribution.

Finally, a character can earn experience points for successfully completing an adventure or achieving a goal the DM has set. Although a player may have a pretty good idea of what his character is supposed to accomplish, he won't know if he'll be awarded experience points for it until his character actually receives them. However, there is no rule that the DM must be consistent in these awards, or even that he must give a character anything at all.

(See also
Table 33: Common Individual Awards and Table 34: Individual Class Awards

in the Dungeon Master Guide)

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