Specialist Wizard

Ability Requirements: Varies

Prime Requisite: Intelligence

Races Allowed: Varies

Wizards who concentrate their efforts in one school of magic are known as specialist wizards. Generally, a specialist wizard must give up some degree of versatility in spell selection—he cannot learn or cast spells belonging to schools that oppose his own chosen school. The specialist also has several other benefits and restrictions; unless otherwise stated, all specialists must abide by the benefits and hindrances described below:

Specialist wizards may memorize one additional spell per spell level, provided the spell selected belongs to the specialist’s school. Under this rule, a 1st-level specialist may have two spells memorized instead of only one.

Specialists gain a bonus of +1 when making saving throws against spells of their own school. Specialists also inflict a –1 penalty to their victims’ saving throw attempts when casting a spell of their specialty school.

Specialist wizards gain a bonus of +15% when learning spells from their school, but suffer a penalty of –15% when learning spells from any other school. Specialists cannot learn spells belonging to an opposition school.

When a specialist reaches a new level, he automatically gains one spell of his school to add to his spell book. No roll for learning the spell need be made.

When a specialist wizard attempts to create a new spell through research, the spell is treated as if it were one level lower if it falls within the wizard’s specialty school.

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