Spell Research
At some point, almost any player character spellcaster is going to want to try his hand at spell research. Devising a new spell is a great way for a character to make a lasting mark on a campaign, as noted above, but it’s also a fun exercise for the player and the DM; a new spell customizes and alters the campaign and the game itself.

While both wizards and priests can research new spells, it’s much more common for wizards to do so. The philosophy of experimentation and investigation seems much more appropriate for wizards, since priests are inclined (quite naturally) to take things on faith and stick to the proven powers and abilities of their patron deity. However, there’s no reason why a PC priest couldn’t participate in as much research as he or she wishes to; this is only a generalization, not a rule.

There are two parts of spell research: designing the spell, and actually executing the spell research in game play. The player and DM will have to take time to work out the details of the spell before the character can embark on his research.

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