Quest Spells

Priests and clerics are the servants of Powers--immortal entities with abilities far beyond those of mere mortals. Yet these servants do not wield magical forces equal to those of wizards; priests have nothing to compare with the wish spell, for example. Circumstances will arise when a priest should be able to call upon the magical energies controlled by his Power to achieve something extraordinary in serving a sacred duty. Quest spells are designed to satisfy these extremes and allow the priest to wield high-powered magic without drastically altering the scope of his magic.

Quest spells are a category of powerful spells without an assigned level. They should not be confused with the 5th-level spell quest, which is a specific single spell.

While quest spells are powerful, they are not as powerful as the energies used by Powers. If a god chose to flatten a mountain or raise an island, he could probably do so. Priests cannot achieve such huge effects; they are still mortal beings. But quest spells do provide a priest with magic more powerful than any other priestly magic; a quest spell could easily mean the difference between success or failure in a mission. Quest spells are capable of affecting large areas or numbers of creatures and allow the shaping of great energies; they are often difficult or impossible to resist or dispel.

Quest spells are not part of a priest's normal repertoire. These spells are granted powers, bestowed directly by one's deity to achieve special goals.

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