Miscellaneous Magic

Air Spores: Rumors indicate that the famed wizard Mordom created these odd, pollenlike spores. Only a few mages know how to make them today. Air spores that still exist are usually sequestered as specimens of study in the labs of powerful wizards.

When air spores are ingested by a creature, the spores work their way into the creature's lungs. There they grow, reproduce, and die. While living out their lives, they create oxygen that the host body can use to breathe when deprived of oxygen from the environment. The spore colony can live for 2d4 days.

In a normal environment, the spores hinder the character's normal respiration, causing all Constitution checks to be made with a -4 penalty. Fortunately, 12 hours of breathing in a normal environment for each day the spores were used will clear the lungs of the colony.

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