Healing– Nonweapon Proficiency (Player’s Handbook)

Healing– Nonweapon Proficiency (Player’s Handbook)

Healing– Nonweapon Proficiency (Player’s Handbook)

Healing: A character proficient in healing knows how to use natural medicines and basic
principles of first aid and doctoring. If the character tends another within
one round of wounding (and makes a successful proficiency check), his
ministrations restore 1d3 hit points (but no more hit points can be restored than were
lost in the previous round). Only one healing attempt can be made on a character
per day.

If a wounded character remains under the care of someone with healing
proficiency, that character can recover lost hit points at the rate of 1 per day even
when traveling or engaging in nonstrenuous activity. If the wounded character
gets complete rest, he can recover 2 hit points per day while under such care.
Only characters with both healing and herbalism proficiencies can help others
recover at the rate of 3 hit points per day of rest. This care does not require a
proficiency check, only the regular attention of the proficient character. Up
to six patients can be cared for at any time.

A character with healing proficiency can also attempt to aid a poisoned
individual, provided the poison entered through a wound. If the poisoned character
can be tended to immediately (the round after the character is poisoned) and the
care continues for the next five rounds, the victim gains a +2 bonus to his
saving throw (delay his saving throw until the last round of tending). No
proficiency check is required, but the poisoned character must be tended to immediately
(normally by sacrificing any other action by the proficient character) and
cannot do anything himself. If the care and rest are interrupted, the poisoned
character must immediately roll a normal saving throw for the poison. This result
is unalterable by normal means (i.e., more healing doesn’t help). Only
characters with both healing and herbalism proficiencies can attempt the same treatment
for poisons the victim has swallowed or touched (the character uses his
healing to diagnose the poison and his herbalist knowledge to prepare a purgative).

A character with healing proficiency can also attempt to diagnose and treat
diseases. When dealing with normal diseases, a successful proficiency check
automatically reduces the disease to its mildest form and shortest duration. Those
who also have herbalism knowledge gain an additional +2 bonus to this check. A
proficient character can also attempt to deal with magical diseases, whether
caused by spells or creatures. In this case, a successful proficiency check
diagnoses the cause of the disease. However, since the disease is magical in nature,
it can be treated only by magical means.

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