Taunt– 1st Level Wizard Spell (Player’s Handbook)

Taunt– 1st Level Wizard Spell (Player’s Handbook)

Taunt– 1st Level Wizard Spell (Player’s Handbook)



Range: 60 yds.

Components: V, S, M

Duration: 1 rd

Casting Time: 1

Area of Effect: 30-ft. radius

Saving Throw: Neg.

A taunt spell enables the caster to jape and jeer effectively at a single type of
creature with an Intelligence of 2 or greater. The caster need not speak the
language of the creatures. His words and sounds have real meaning for the subject
creature or creatures, challenging, insulting, and generally irritating and
angering the listeners. Those failing to save vs. spell rush forth in fury to do
battle with the spellcaster. All affected creatures attack the spellcaster in
melee if physically capable of doing so, seeking to use body or hand-held weapons
rather than missile weapons or spells.

Separation of the caster from the victim by an impenetrable or uncrossable
boundary (a wall of fire, a deep chasm, a formation of set pikemen) causes the
spell to break. If the caster taunts a mixed group, he must choose the type of
creature to be affected. Creatures commanded by a strong leader (i.e., with a
Charisma bonus, with higher Hit Dice, etc.) might gain a saving throw bonus of +1
to +4, at the DM’s discretion. If used in conjunction with a ventriloquism spell, the creatures may attack the apparent source, depending upon their
Intelligence, a leader’s presence, and so on.

The material component is a slug, which is hurled at the creatures to be

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