Drawmij’s Instant Summons– 7th Level Wizard Spell (PH)

Drawmij’s Instant Summons– 7th Level Wizard Spell (PH)

Drawmij’s Instant Summons– 7th Level Wizard Spell (PH)

Drawmij’s Instant Summons


Range: Infinite + special

Components: V, S, M

Duration: Instantaneous

Casting Time: 1

Area of Effect: 1 small object

Saving Throw: None

When this spell is cast, the wizard teleports some desired item from virtually
any location directly to his hand. The single object can be no longer in any
dimension than a sword, can have no more weight than a shield (about eight
pounds), and must be nonliving.

To prepare this spell, the wizard must hold a gem of not less than 5,000 gp
value in his hand and utter all but the final word of the conjuration. At some
point in the future, he must crush the gem and utter the final word. The desired
item is then transported instantly into the spellcaster’s right or left hand,
as he desires.

The item must have been previously touched during the initial incantation and
specifically named; only that particular item is summoned by the spell. During
the initial incantation, the gem becomes magically inscribed with the name of
the item to be summoned. The inscription is invisible and unreadable, except by
means of a read magic spell, to all but the wizard who cast the summons.

If the item is in the possession of another creature, the spell does not work,
and the caster knows who the possessor is and roughly where he, she, or it is
located when the summons is cast. Items can be summoned from other planes of
existence, but only if such items are not in the possession (not necessarily the
physical grasp) of another creature. For each level of experience above the
14th, the wizard is able to summon a desired item from one plane farther removed
from the plane he is in at the time the spell is cast (one plane away at 14th
level, two planes away at 15th, etc.). Thus, a wizard of 16th level could cast
the spell even if the desired item was on the second layer of one of the Outer
Planes, but at 14th level the wizard would be able to summon the item only if it
were no farther than one of the Inner Planes, the Ethereal Plane, or the Astral
Plane (see the Planescape Campaign Setting boxed set). Note that special wards or barriers, or factors that block the teleport or plane shift spells, may also block the operation of this spell. Objects in Leomund’s
secret chest cannot be recovered by using this spell.

Note: If the item is wizard marked, it can be summoned from anywhere on the
same plane unless special local conditions apply. Furthermore, the details of the
location of the item are more specific, and the item is more easily traceable
with other types of scrying magic.

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