Movement on Water (Dungeon Master Guide)

Movement on Water (Dungeon Master Guide)

Movement on Water (Dungeon Master Guide)

Movement on Water

One of the fastest and easiest ways to get somewhere is to travel on a river.
It’s hard to get lost; a large amount of equipment can be easily carried; it is
faster and easier than walking; characters can even do other things (mend
clothes, learn spells, cook meals) while traveling on smooth waters.

River travel is not without its risks, however. Eddies, snags, sandbars,
rapids, and dangerous waterfalls can make a journey quite exciting. Fortunately,
most of these hazards can be avoided by knowledgeable characters.

The rate of movement on a river is determined by two factors: the type of boat
and the flow of the current. If the boat is traveling downstream (in the
direction of the current), add the speed of the current to the speed of the boat. If
the boat is traveling against the current, subtract this amount from the
boat’s speed.
Table 76 lists rates in both feet/round and miles/hour for the common types of

When sailing downstream, characters must be wary of unexpected hazards. While
a good map can show the location of waterfalls and rapids, only a knowledgeable
guide or pilot knows the location of hidden sandbars, snags, and dangerous
eddies. While these are easy to avoid when traveling upstream (all one need do is
stop paddling), unprepared boaters can quickly be swept into them going

Once characters find themselves in a dangerous situation, they must make a
Wisdom check (modified for seamanship proficiency, if this is used) to prevent
capsizing. Capsized boats and goods are swept downstream, although hazards like
waterfalls and particularly strong rapids will smash most craft.

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