Aerial Movement (Dungeon Master Guide)

Aerial Movement (Dungeon Master Guide)

Aerial Movement (Dungeon Master Guide)

Aerial Movement

Aerial movement rates are handled according to the normal movement rules, with
clear sky being treated as clear terrain. A detailed system of aerial movement
during the round can be found in
Chapter 9 : Combat. The only special consideration that must be given to aerial
movement is the weather condition. Weather is, for al practical purposes, the terrain
of the sky.

As with sea movement, the weather for any particular occasion can be chosen by
the DM or determined randomly. If determined randomly, the DM should first
roll a wind condition (as found on
Table 79 , above).

Next, the DM rolls 1d6 to determine precipitation (although storms and
hurricanes have automatic precipitation). During summer and winter, a 6 on the die
indicates rain or snow. In spring and fall, a 5 or 6 is rain. Clearly the DM must
adjust this according to the terrain of the region. There is little need to
make precipitation checks when flying over a desert, for example.

Be aware that this is only a very simple method for determining the weather,
and judgment should still be used. The effects of weather on aerial movement can
be found on
Table 80 .

These modifiers are cumulative. Thus strong winds and rain are the equivalent
of a storm, while a gale with rain is worse than a storm. Flight during a
hurricane is just about impossible without some type of magical protection.

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